segunda-feira, julho 17, 2006

Não sou mesquinho: eis uma receita de "cucumber sandwich" e citação a propósito.

Comecemos pela última:

[Picking up empty plate in horror.] Good heavens! Lane! Why are there no cucumber sandwiches? I ordered them specially.
[Gravely.] There were no cucumbers in the market this morning, sir. I went down twice.
No cucumbers!
No, sir. Not even for ready money.
That will do, Lane, thank you.
Thank you, sir. [Goes out.]
I am greatly distressed, Aunt Augusta, about there being no cucumbers, not even for ready money.

Wilde, "The Importance of being"

Agora a receita, havendo cucumbers:

English Cucumber Sandwiches*

Thin cucumber 1

Brown bread, sliced 1 loaf

Butter 1 stick

Salt and pepper to taste


Peel cucumber and slice in paper-thin rounds. Salt rounds lightly and place in strainer for 15 minutes to drain. Press to release water; pat dry with paper towels.

Spread sliced bread with softened butter. Put 2 layers of cucumber slices on bottom slice, salt and pepper to taste and top with another buttered slice. Press lightly with palm of hand. Cut all crusts off with a sharp knife. Cut sandwiches in half diagonally. Should you love the taste of mint, you can spread mint (pudina) chutney on both the slices.

* Não me parece nada boa e prefiro a cá de casa. Apenas pus aqui a receita para não ser acusado de favorecimento.

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