terça-feira, setembro 18, 2007

«She wasn't taking money out, she was putting more in.
"They've done a lot for this city, they're part of the city and I think people should show some solidarity,'' said Marshall, 52, a home health-care worker in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne who has her life savings at the bank. "I've been with Northern Rock since I was 17 years old and I've always been very happy with them.'' »

Há quem pense de outro modo:

«"They've been sponsoring footballers to buy fast cars with our money,'' said Heather Irwin, 61, as she waited for the Pilgrim Street branch to open. "Now they are sitting in their big houses while we are standing out in the cold worrying about a few coppers. This is all because of pure greed.''»

Interessante. Julgava este tipo de reacções desaparecido, ou menos mostrável ou dizível. Ou usável. Não é, como deveria ter percebido.
Está aqui.

O Eça detestava Newcastle, foi lá cônsul. Já existia o banco.

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